A list of available tutorials appears below. Each tutorial is a web page that can be opened using the link below, but most tutorials also need to have example data files downloaded. This can also be done with links included below, but it can be easier to access tutorials using Help/Tutorials menu item. When this menu entry is used from inside GSAS-II (unless "browse tutorial on web" is selected), the data files are downloaded to a local directory and GSAS-II will start from that directory for most file open commands. Most older tutorials have also been recorded as videos of the computer screen along with narration. Where videos are available, links are provided below.
An introduction to GSAS-II with starting instructions and a brief description of the displays.
This shows a simple Rietveld refinement with constraints from CW neutron powder diffraction data.
This shows a simple Rietveld refinement with CuKa lab Bragg-Brentano powder data.
This shows Rietveld refinement of a structure with room temperature lab CuKa data and low temperature CW neutron data; use is made of the lattice parameter offsets to account for thermal expansion.
This shows Rietveld refinement with high resolution synchrotron powder data and neutron TOF data
This show how to create a simulated powder pattern from a lab diffractometer.
This shows how to get an initial estimate of background parameters from a suite of fixed points before beginning Rietveld refinement.
This shows how to use the "Auto Background" feature in GSAS-II to get an estimate of background parameters for a series of histograms with quite significant background levels. This estimate can be used to define a set of fixed points or to define a "Fixed background histogram."
Shows the process of setting up a Le Bail fit, where reflection intensities are treated as arbitrary, and how to converge the Le Bail intensities before a combined Le Bail/Least-Squares fit that optimizes lattice, peak shape and background parameters.
Shows how to create a full CIF for a project that includes the structure(s), bond distances/angles/ the observed and computed data, etc as well as documentary information about the sample(s), instrument(s) and the project in a way that allows for updating the CIF without having to reenter any of that information. The tutorial also explains how creation of template file can allow for reuse of that information.
Shows how to create a customized version of a plot from a fit, with enlarged letters, different colors or symbols which can be written as a bitmap file, a pdf file or be exported to the Grace or Igor Pro plotting programs.
Shows how to set lower and upper limits on selected parameters to keep refinements from refining unreasonably.
Shows how to set up and refine with rigid bodies to simplify and improve the crystal structure model.
Analysis of a simple antiferromagnet and a simple ferromagnet from CW neutron powder data
Analysis of a simple antiferromagnet using Bilbao k-SUBGROUPSMAG from CW neutron powder data
Analysis of a antiferromagnet with change of space group using Bilbao k-SUBGROUPSMAG from CW neutron powder data
Analysis of a Type IV antiferromagnet with a cell axis doubling using Bilbao k-SUBGROUPSMAG from CW neutron powder data
Analysis of a Type IV antiferromagnet with a lattice centering change using Bilbao k-SUBGROUPSMAG from CW neutron powder data
Analysis of a complex Type IV antiferromagnet with two propagation vectorse using Bilbao k-SUBGROUPSMAG from TOF neutron powder data
Search neutron diffraction data of Er2Ge2O7 for a all-zero magnetic k-vector
Search neutron diffraction data used in Magnetic Structure Analysis-III for a non-zero magnetic k-vector
This shows the fitting of a structural model to multiple data sets collected as a function of temperature (7-300K). This tutorial is the prerequisite for the next one.
This explores the results of the sequential refinement obtained in the previous tutorial; includes plotting of variables and fitting the changes with simple equations.
This shows the fitting of single peaks in a sequence of TOF powder patterns from a sample under load; includes fitting of the result to get Hookes Law coefficients for elastic deformations.
This covers two examples of selecting individual powder diffraction peaks, fitting them and then indexing to determine the crystal lattice and possible space group. This is the prerequisite for the next two tutorials.
Solving the structure of jadarite (HLiNaSiB3O8) by charge flipping from Pawley extracted intensities from a high resolution synchrotron powder pattern.
Solving the structure of sucrose (C12H22O11) by charge flipping from Pawley extracted intensities from a high resolution synchrotron powder pattern.
Solving the structure of dipyridyl disulfate by charge flipping and then refine the structure by least-squares.
Solving the crystal structure or rubrene (C42H28) from single crystal neutron data via charge flipping and then refine the structure by least squares.
Solving the structures of 3-aminoquinoline and α-d-lactose monohydrate from powder diffraction data via Monte Carlo/Simulated Annealing (MC/SA).
Big box modeling for real and reciprocal space diffraction data for SF6
Big box modeling for real and reciprocal space diffraction data for SrTiO3
Combined x-ray/neutron big box modeling for real and reciprocal space diffraction data for GaPO4
x-ray big box modeling with potential energy restraints for real and reciprocal space diffraction data for GaPO4
Small box modeling of G(r); introduction to PDFfit
Small box modeling of G(r); using ISODISTORT mode analysis
Small box modeling of G(r); sequential fitting of a temperature series of G(r)
Small box modeling of G(r); fitting G(r) from nanoparticles
Big box modeling with real space diffraction data for Ni
Multiple approaches to big box modeling for real and reciprocal space diffraction data for SF6
This shows how to simulate the diffraction patterns from faulted diamond.
This shows how to simulate some diffraction patterns from well ordered Keokuk kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) clay.
This shows how to simulate some diffraction patterns from poorly ordered Georgia kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) clay.
This shows how to determine profile parameters by fitting individual peaks with data collected on a standard using a lab diffractometer and then same them for reuse.
This shows how to determine profile parameters by fitting peaks that are computed using the NIST Fundamental Parameters Python code. Input is formulated to use FPA values similar to those in Topas.
This uses the fitted positions of all visible peaks in a pattern of NIST SRM 660b La11B6 (a=4.15689Å) obtained in a multiple single peak fit. The positions are compared to those expected from the known lattice parameters to establish the diffractometer constants (difC, difA, difB and Zero) used for calculating TOF peak positions from d-spacings. In addition, the peak fitting includes the various profile coefficients thus fully describing the instrument contribution to the peak profiles.
A demonstration of calibrating a Perkin-Elmer area detector, where the detector was intentionally tilted at 45 degrees. This exercise is the prerequisite for the next one.
Integration of the image from a Perkin-Elmer area detector, where the detector was intentionally tilted at 45 degrees.
This show how to determine 3 strain tensor values using the method of He & Smith (Adv. in X-ray Anal. 41, 501, 1997) directly froom a sequence of 2D imges from a loaded sample.
This shows 3 different methods for determining texture via spherical harmonics from 2D x-ray diffraction images.
To get an accurate wavelength, without knowing the sample-to-detector distance accurately, images recorded with several different distances can be used. This exercise shows how to determine the wavelength from such a series. This exercise is the prerequisite for the next one.
To get an accurate wavelength, without knowing the sample-to-detector distance accurately, images recorded with several different distances can be used. After using the previous exercise to determine the wavelength, this exercise calibrates the detector distances and shows examples of how to mask, integrate, and save those parameters for future reuse.
This shows how to determine the size distribution of particles using data from a constant wavelength synchrotron X-ray USAXS instrument. This is the prerequisite for the next tutorial
This shows how to fit small angle scattering data using data from a constant wavelength synchrotron X-ray USAXS instrument.
This shows how to reduce 2D SAXS data to create 1D absolute scaled data.
This shows how to fit USAXS small angle scattering data for a suite of samples to demonstrate the sequential refinement technique in GSAS-II for SASD and demonstrates fitting with a hard sphere structure factor for non-dilute systems.
This shows how to use GSAS-II to refine the structure of a few single crystal structures where there is merohedral twinning.
This shows how to refine the structure of sapphire (really corundum, Al2O3) from single crystal diffraction data collected at the SNS on the TOPAZ instrument at room temperature.
This demonstrates the use of the GSASIIscriptable module. This uses a Python script to perform a refinement or computation, but without use of the GSAS-II graphical user interface. This is a prerequisite for the next tutorial.
This shows a unix script that duplicates the previous Python Scripting GSAS-II tutorial.
This gives an example of using Cluster and Outlier Analysis with PWDR data.
Configuration variables allow GSAS-II to be customized. In this example the configuration variable that changes the font size used in the GUI is changed.
The video tutorials are also mirrored in China