Sequential refinement is a way to fit a series of datasets collected under similar conditions with a set of closely related models. Each dataset receives an independent fit. Thus it is possible to track how the models evolve over the course of the measurements. One or more phases may be used to fit all all the datasets or some phases may appear in just some of the measurements, should there be phase transitions.
Sequential refinements can be performed in three different ways:In this example, we will fit a temperature series where both the unit cell and atomic parameters evolve with temperature. Note that it is also possible to fit a temperature series as a combined refinement and, as will be seen, one can still deal with thermal expansion (using the Hydrostatic/Elastic strain terms), but a combined refinement would allow only a single set of (averaged) atomic parameters for all temperatures. A sequential refinement allows each data set to determine the atomic parameters and allows their variation with temperature to be determined.
Data for this example will be downloaded with the tutorial, if you used that option to see this page. Otherwise, download file from here. This example assumes that one is already familiar with use of GSAS-II for simple refinements. Note that menu entries are listed in bold face below, such as Help/About GSAS-II, which lists first the name of the menu (here Help) and second the name of the entry in the menu (here About GSAS-II).Note that the instrument parameter file with the matching name (OH_00.prm) is read automatically.
Select both phases and press OK.
We want to fit the lattice parameters, background, and a phase fraction initially. To illustrate how constraints are used, we will refine both phase fractions, but constrain their sum to be one. Discussion: a single powder diffraction pattern provides enough information to determine an overall scale factor and the relative amounts of each phase (with two phases: two observables), but with the scale factor and two phase fractions being varied independently, we have three arbitrary parameters, which would result in a very unstable refinement where the GSAS-II minimizer would likely remove a degree of freedom. By defining a constraint that sets the sum of the two phase fractions, we reduce this to an appropriate two parameter problem. The error of refining the scale factor and all phase fractions is made often enough that GSAS-II will warn about this and will offer to define this constraint.
Now we select the variables to refine for each phase and then the histogram parameters.
Finally, note that the first broad
peak at ~1.5 degrees in these data is spurious.
This artifact is known to arise from scattering from the kapton window in the
cryostat used for sample cooling; this was confirmed by collecting data without
a sample. We could model this peak, but it is easier to simply cut off the data
below the first peak at ~5 degrees. To do this, select the Limits entry for PWDR OH_00.fxye Bank 1 and in the Tmin/New
box (to lower left) change it to 4.5.
Use the Calculate/Refine main GSAS-II menu item to initiate the refinement. Since the project has not been saved, you will be asked to select a name (and optionally a directory) for the GSAS-II project (.gpx) file. The file name SeqTut.gpx is assumed here. The refinement progresses quickly to a Rw of ~17%.
Click on the Sample Parameters data tree subitem for PWDR OH_00.fxye Bank 1. Select the refine checkbox that is labeled Sample X disp. perp. to peak. The value for this is the displacement in microns (10-6 m), provided the diffractometer radius is entered correctly. Set the Goniometer radius to 1000.
Discussion: Diffractometers are never perfectly aligned, which means one should always an alignment parameter. While in older programs, the alignment parameter was a zero correction (except for Bragg-Brentano instruments), this does not properly correct for mispositioning of the sample from the center of the goniometer arc. GSAS-II offers a geometrical correction for that being offset perpendicular to the direction of the beam as the Sample X displacement (and for where data is collected to angles above 120 degrees 2theta, it is also possible to fit a second term, Sample Y displacement for displacement along the beam direction.) When using GSAS-II, refine the Sample X displacement parameter rather than the 2theta-zero correction. (Refinement of both is not normally possible).
Note: With a well characterized instrument, as is the case here for 11-BM at the APS, none of the Instrument Parameters or other Sample Parameters (beyond "Histogram scale factor" and "Sample X displ.") need to be fit.
Add a background peak at pos=5.25 degrees with int=5.0 and a sig=2000.
The background is not very well fit even with a six term polynomial due to a kapton scattering peak in the range of 4-6 degrees 2theta. This can be seen by selecting the PWDR OH_00.fxye Bank 1 tree entry and viewing the “Rietveld plot.” Then to see more detail, either press "s" to see the plot in the square-root of intensities, or zoom in so the vertical intensity scale is 0-500 counts and the horizontal region covers the first ~5 degrees in the pattern. While the fit for this could be improved by adding many more background terms, a simpler way to improve this fit is to add a broad peak in the pattern via the background fitting. This only needs 2 or 3 additional parameters.
After selecting the Background sub-item in the PWDR OH_00.fxye Bank 1 histogram, change the Peaks in Background setting from "0" to "1". Then change the peak position (pos) value to the approximate peak center (5.25 degrees) but that value should not be varied until the background is fairly well fit. Since the background generated by the Chebyschev polynomial and the background peak are highly correlated, we need to get the width and intensity into the right vicinity. Note that as the values in the peaks list are changed, the background curve (in red) is recomputed. In that way the effect of the change in values can be seen. A sig value of 2000 gives a Gaussian FWHM for this peak of ~2 degrees. Changing the int value from 1 to 5 makes the peak much easier to see and also helps start the initial fit. Set both sig and int to be refined.
Important: note that after clicking on a checkbox, one must click elsewhere in the window so that the input is recorded.
Once the background fit has been improved we can then add the position of this peak to the fit.
Refine Cryst. Size and isotropic microstrain parameters for the CuCr2O4 phase and the isotropic microstrain parameter for the CuO impurity.
It will be easier to start the sequential refinement with a good fit for the sample broadening. For the majority phase, we should consider both crystallite and microstrain broadening. For the CuO impurity, which only has a few visible peaks, refinement of more than one broadening parameter is not likely to succeed and use of either parameter should be fine. Select the CuCr2O4 phase and the Data tab on the top of the window and then select to refine the Cryst. Size and microstrain parameters. Then select the CuO phase (note that the Data tab is still displayed) and select to refine the microstrain parameter.
Starting an additional refinement (using the Calculate/Refine menu item) with the addition of the six new variables to the refinement improves the fit significantly visually, though the Rw value drops only to ~15.5%.
Selecting the Background sub-item in the PWDR OH_00.fxye Bank 1 histogram and click on the checkbox to refine the position (pos) value for the single background peak.
Close examination of the pattern shows that the peak widths are still not as well fit as desired. Since strain broadening seems more significant that sample broadening, we could use an anisotropic strain model. Rather than choosing the relatively complex generalized model, we can introduce only two terms with the uniaxial model. Trial and error will show that the 010 direction works best. Click on the first phase (CuCr2O4) and the Data tab and select uniaxial for the Mustrain model and change the Unique axis, HKL from "0 0 1" to 0 1 0. Select refinement for both Equatorial and Axial mustrain.
Starting an additional refinement (using the Calculate/Refine menu item) with the addition of two more optimized variables to the refinement improves the fit significantly visually and the Rw value drops to <14%, but the additon of the new background parameter causes issues with correlation between the background terms. Considering that we have not refined any atomic parameters, this is an very good fit despite the seemingly high Rw value, as shown in the plot below. Clicking on the Covariance data tree item shows the GOF=1.08 and the Reduced χ2=1.16. This is close to ideal. While atomic parameters could now be refined, this is clearly a good enough place to start refinement with all the datasets.
There is one significant way that sequential fitting differs from the usual refinement process. Rather than fitting lattice constants (for which there will be only one set for each phase in the entire refinement), we will use the Hydrostatic/Elastic strain terms (parameters <p>:<h>:Dij) to treat the change in lattice parameters from histgram to histogram.
More details: Note that GSAS-II shows the user unit cell parameters in the traditional a, b, c, α, β & γ (distances in Å, angles in degrees), but computations are performed internally only after converting this cell to a version of the reciprocal lattice tensor we call the "A tensor" or the Aj terms (see the GSASIIlattice documentation). The actual values refined in GSAS-II are the Aj terms, as allowed by unit cell symmetry. There is one set of Aj values for each phase, but to treat the situation where the use of a phase in each histogram may have somewhat different lattice parameters (see the PbSO4 combined fitting tutorial, where the x-ray and neutron data were collected at different temperatures), GSAS-II defines Dij terms, labeled as "Hydrostatic/elastic strain coefficients", for each phase in each histogram and only the unique terms are shown on the Phase "Data" tab. These values are simply added to the Aj terms. When any Dij terms are non-zero, the changed unit cell parameters are also shown on the "Data" tab and will differ from the unit cell values shown on the "General" tab.
For the initial fitting of datasets over a range of conditions, we will want to start from the fitted values we have fit, but until we have reasonably good values for the scale factor, background and lattice parameters, we do not want to refine any thing else.
In this step we bring in the remaining data. Note that the values for the parameters for the newly-read histograms (on the Sample Parameters data item) and the phase/histogram parameters on each phase's Data tab are set to default values, so we copy the values from the first histogram to the new sets. We can then perform an initial sequential fit.
Note that the files will be processed in the order they appear in the tree (or the reverse of that order, as set in Controls). It will be most convenient if the files are imported in a logical sequence, which could require multiple Import operations to read the files in the desired order or to rename files prior to reading so they are listed in the correct order in the file browser. If files are not read in the intended order, it will be necessary to manually change the positions of the tree items (by dragging them in the tree with the right mouse button pressed). This is not an issue in this example, since the files are listed in a zip file in the order they need to be read, but may be of concern for other cases.
Above, I’ve used ‘D’ to increase the contrast & zoomed in to a location that shows the effect of temperature on the peak positions.
This opens a dialog box where the sections to be copied are selected. Limits, Background and Sample Parameters must be selected; there will be no difference if Instrument Parameters is selected, since the parameters start as identical, so there also is no harm in copying them. This, the default entries, selecting all sections, need not be changed.
To verify that the copy has been performed, examining any of the other histogram plots (e.g. to see the changed lower limit), etc. or view the contents of the various updated sections.
Press the Set All button and then press the OK button.
At this point we determine which histograms will be used in the fit and set that the resulting parameters from the results of each refinement will be used for the subsequent refinements.
Here we enable sequential mode by setting the histograms to be included, set another control setting (max cycles) and launch the sequential fit.
This opens the window where all histograms can be selected. Press Set All and then press OK. Note that the Controls window now lists the number of datasets in the sequential refinement and three new controls below that. One is the new "Reverse order?" checkbox, which causes the sequential refinement to start with the last histogram, not the first. Sometimes this is useful, but not here. The "Clear previous seq. results" will remove previous sequential results from a .gpx file, reducing its size. The "Copy results to next histogram?" is described in the next section.
Start the sequential refinement with the Calculate/Sequential refine menu command (note that once the histograms were selected for a sequential fit in the previous step, the menu command was relabeled from Calculate/Sequential refine.)
Note that a window saying "There were constraint warnings..." will be generated. This is because we have specified a constraint on the phase fractions in step I.3, but we are no longer varying them, so this constraint must be ignored. Also note the discussion on sequential fit constraint modes in step VI, below. This alert is shown to provide a chance to review possible problems with constraints and not continue with the fit, when this indicates that something has been left out from the varied parameters. However, in this case, this phase fraction constraint will be fine to ignore since we do not want to refine phase fractions at this stage. This message will stop being shown when phase fractions are refined again (or if the constraint would be removed). Press "Yes" to continue with this initial sequential fit, as this warning can be ignored.
The refinement may take a few minutes as each of the 17 datasets are fit in turn.
When the refinement completes, a window will be displayed where you are asked if you want to load the results, as below.
After clicking on OK the Sequential Results item is created in the data tree and is is selected, which displays a summary of the refinement results as a large table, as below.
The second column shows the weighted profile R-factor, from each fit. This shows a steady increase with temperature, as might be expected if there were a systematic change in some sample parameters, such as strain or background or even atomic coordinates (which have not yet been fit). The Δχ2 value in the third column shows the percent improvement in χ2 seen in the last cycle of refinement. (Meaning that if in that cycle the Δχ2 value decreases from 4.1 to 4.0, then the value will be 100*(4.1-4.0)/4.0, or 2.5%; small numbers indicate that the fit converged.). Note that the fits had pretty well stopped improving, so there is no reason to provide further cycles of refinement without adding new variable parameters.
Subsequent columns will show any of the sample parameters that vary across the datasets, here only temperature and then the direct cell lattice constants for each phase, generated from the Ax and Dij terms. Scrolling further shows columns the values of most parameters that differ by histogram. Note that some parameters (such as the actual Dij terms) are not shown. The choices for which items that are included is determined by the "Hide columns..." command in the"Columns/Rows" menu.
Before going further, it is useful to review the trends in the lattice parameters as a sanity check. This can be done by double-clicking on a column of the table, such as the 0::b parameter, which displays this plot:
Pressing the “K” icon or pressing the “s” key brings up a menu where the x-axis can be selected as Temperature. If the plot fails to update, click on another column and then return to the original column.
At this point we wish to continue the refinements using the the current as-refined parameter values as the starting point. This is the default action for the program as the Copy results to next histogram checkbox is automatically unchecked after a successful sequential refinement. Note that in subsequent actions we will use the "Copy flags" menu commands, which copy only refinement flags not parameter values (as opposed to the "Copy" commands used previously, which copy both values and flags.)
Refinement of phase
fractions requires a constraint as was added in Step
I.3, but for all histograms.
As of version 5038 of GSAS-II three modes were added for constraints
in sequential refinements.
"Ignore unless hist=*" mode (which was
the only mode prior to this version), any constraints with a
specific histogram number specified (such as ":0:0:Scale" and
":1:0:Scale" as used previously) would be ignored and a new
constraint defining ":0:*:Scale + :1:*:Scale = 1" would be
Start an additional refinement (using the Calculate/Refine menu item). Now that the full suite of variables is available for fitting background, peak widths, etc., the fits improve significantly for the higher temperature datasets. Before, for the highest temperature datasets, the Rwp values were in the range of 25-30%. After this fit, all the Rwp values range from 13-17%. Click on a row header to see a plot of the fit and double-click on a row header to see the convariance matrix plotted. Note that additional columns appear now in the Sequential results table for the newly-added variables. Also included are the weight fractions. Note that the sum of the phase fractions for each histogram are indeed 1.0.
The last thing we will add to the refinement will be atomic parameters. Note that these are handled a bit differently than the previous things we have refined. There is only one set of coordinates for each phase and these will be refined for each histogram, but are saved individually only in the Sequential results table. To update the coordinates shown in the Phase data tree entry, use the "Update Phase from selected" command in the"Columns/Rows" menu. If a row is selected in the table, that will be used. If no rows are selected, you will be prompted to select a histogram.
Start the sequential refinement again with the Calculate/Sequential refine menu item. Small but significant improvements are seen for fits with the higher temperature datasets, with Rwp values between 13.8 and 16.5.
This completes the sequential refinement tutorial, although a few more things could be attempted to try to further improve the refinement quality. Be sure to keep the final project file, since this will used in the Parametric Fitting and Pseudo Variables for Sequential Fits tutorial, where functions of fitted parameters are computed and plotted and these results are fitted to equations of state.