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3. Mailing List

We provide a mailing list for GSAS-II users to ask questions and more importantly, so that we can reach users with news about GSAS-II. Please do subscribe. The level of traffic on this list is pretty low, perhaps a few e-mails a month; Bob and I usually reply to directly to the sender to further reduce this traffic, unless the answer will be valuable to many people. You can also search the archives of the mailing list.

3.1. Subscribing

To subscribe, use this link or send an e-mail to Set the subject as “Subscribe” (or “Subscribe <password>” where <password> is your preference for a mailing list login password). You can also use “Help” as the subject to get a list of options

3.2. Using the list

You must subscribe with the address you use to send messages. Send questions or problems, but do not attach large files. The mailing list is not a good way to report bugs, since you will need to provide files needed to reproduce the bug. See reporting bugs for how to report bugs. That is also the best place to request new features.