Description: GSAS-II logoHelp Index GSAS-II

This is an index for where to find help on various GSAS-II windows and plots.

  1. Learning GSAS-II: tutorials
  2. Application windows
  3. Main menu commands
  4. Data Tree headings, graphics windows and menu commands
    1. Top-level Data Tree headings
    2. Phase Data Tree headings
    3. Image (IMG) Data Tree headings
    4. Powder histogram (PWDR) Data Tree headings
    5. Single Crystal histogram (HKLF) Data Tree headings
    6. Pair Distribution Functions (PDF) Data Tree headings
    7. Powder Peaks (PKS) Data Tree headings
    8. Small Angle Scattering (SASD) Data Tree headings
    9. Reflectometry (REFD) Data Tree headings
  5. Other: Macintosh notes, Configuration options and Programmers documentation

Last modified: Thu Apr 14 11:49:40 CDT 2022